🚨 New podcast alert – Thursday Wine Down πŸš¨

Thursday Night Wine Down!

cristobal toral on 7 minutes with q

Thursday Night Wine Down!

Let’s talk with Wine Industry Executive and Entrepreneur Cristobal Toral @cristobaltoral of Sur Valles Wine. Tell us do you prefer red or white wine? Snacks or food with your wine? If these stories resonate with you then subscribe, like and reshare.

Cristobal T on 7 Minutes with Q Podcast
Cristobal T on 7 Minutes with Q Podcast

Author: The 7 Minutes With Q Podcast

Black American or a African-American, began in this country as a diminished experience. We were 3/5ths of a human. Subjugated, denied education, denied having family and only given the scraps. Here comes jazz, in order to learn how to play music Black folks had to learn by ear, from watching other people perform and from knowledge passed down. That’s Bootleg Like Jazz.

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